Fulfill your music dream

Catalina Claro in her studio in Pirque, in Santiago de Chile.
RAMANA PRODUCCIONES invites you to professionally record the song that you choose and that you like the most.
Recording your own song professionally is a fascinating and highly entertaining process.
This process consists of:
-We define which song we will record.
-We define the register of your voice, so you can sing comfortably.
-Then we define the style. The key of the song, the tempo (speed) and the main instrument or instruments that will accompany us.
-The base of the song is recorded with the main instrument.
-Then the voice is recorded.
-It begins with the detailed musical arrangement, where other instruments and / or other voices can be incorporated
-Studio recording of instruments and / or voices.
-Final mix.
-Masterization of the song
Phases of music production
1- Listen to your musical project.
2- I will propose the next step to do.
3- We´ll see what instruments to choose.
4- We´ll see the idea of the musical arrangement, if it is necessary.
5- It begins with the detailed musical arrangement, where other instruments and/or other voices can be incorporated.
6- Studio recording of instruments and/or voices.
7- Final mix, if it is what corresponds.
8- Mastering of the musical, if it is what corresponds.
-Definir qué canción grabaremos.
-Definir la tonalidad de la canción, el tempo (velocidad) y el instrumento principal que la acompañará.
-Se graba la base de la canción con el instrumento principal, para luego incorporar la voz.
-Se graba la voz.
-Se comienza con el arreglo detallado musical, donde pueden incorporarse otros instrumentos y/o otras voces
-Grabación en estudio de los instrumentos y/o voces.
-Mezcla final.
-Masterización de la canción.
Some professionales productions: